Find Your Wings Yoga
A spiritually and physically, uplifting, joyful, healing, and full-body/mind engaging yoga form combining a study of compassion, healing, and energy openers. BE INSPIRED with a blend of
Medical Yoga, Mindfulness, & Positive Psychology! Stretch, strengthen, tone, energize, relax
Zoom Class Mondays 9:30am-noon Pacific Time
15min Dance/Music
1 hour YOGA
15min Community Building
Send a message for link
$10-15 Paypal
Small Groups of 4-6
$10-15 cash, check, Paypal
Expressive Visioning Process
Shamainc Journey
Astral Travel
Gather visioning tools for Quantum Visioning / Lucid Dreaming / Shamanic Journey /Astral Travel to explore the multi-dimensional universe connecting with many sources of guidance to manifest your desires. Enjoy an unusual combination of creative experiences linked together to leave you feeling inspired to explore your next step with ease and grace. Using expanded states of consciousness we will spread our wings and fly free. What am I working with to feel like I am living to my fullest self- expression? What are the obstacles? What supports me? What are my life’s goals/deepest calling? What is my next right step? .
Once a Month TBA
3hr. sessions for up to 6 people.
No Experience Necessary
Yoga Dance/ Expressive Mvement
An introduction to a Myofascial Yoga practice that works with principles of Unwinding, a gentle spontaneous movement practice that works with myofascial tissues to increase fluidity, flexibility, and relaxation. Add the teachings on Bio-tensegrity, space between, tension, integrity, and elasticity. Connecting with the wisdom of Yoga, this holistic practice is effective for lowering inflammation, calm mind, reducing stress, full body conditioning, personal expression, consciousness expansion, creativity, and freedom. Wow! All wrapped into one practice. It's so much fun you will feel as though you had a mini retreat.
Sundays 4-5:30 pm
1.5 hr sessions for up to 6 people
No Experience Necessary
Doll & Journal Women's Group
Once a month
An amazing healing transformative journey for your unfolding truth, and the understanding of co-creation. This Expressive Arts, 6-session once a month class is pure joy, love, delight and consciousness expanding. The results are always astounding.
5 women, 2 - 3 hr sessions/ 6 mo. $150
Day and time to be determined by group.
Let me know your interest.
First Meeting when I have 5 people
Date TBD
Using all natural materials and materials from nature create an incredibly unique and interesting 6 inch doll from for your own enjoyment, healing, and vision or as support or a gift for someone else. These delightful dolls will enchant and mystify you with their power. Materials provided.
2.5 hours $25
Dates TBA Sept/Oct/Nov 2024
9-11 am Interdisciplinary Yoga $20
11am-1pm Expressive Visioning Process $20
All levels. No experience necessary.
Please bring something for the altar that represents the most authentic part of you. Reflective writing, drawing, movement, sharing. Paper supplied but bring a journal if you have one.
9-11am Interdisciplinary Yoga: Neural Re-patterning and Toning the Vagus Nerve
Basic Yoga postures designed for all levels. Combining yoga and the understanding of Neuroplasticity with the understanding of the Vagus Nerve join me for an interesting exploration of your inner self. Wake up to the new science of how to change your brain for healing and vibrancy to live your truth with an open heart.
Vagus means “wanderer”. The Vagus Nerve is the 10th cranial nerve, “wandering” and touching most of the body’s organs. Splitting into two branches through the head, down the spine, to the brain, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, tongue, ears, lungs, gut, heart, liver, spleen, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, intestines, reproductive organs, and ureter. Yoga practices stimulates the Vagus Nerve improving communication between your body’s organs. Research shows increased vagal tone through breathing patterns, prayer, meditation, chanting, laughing, singing, coughing, gargling, socializing, exercise, and stretching. Vagal toning in Yoga supports digestion, blood pressure, glucose stabilization, bile production, decreases inflammation, supports tasting, swallowing, speaking, eye contact, human emotion, and releases oxytocin, the relationships hormone.
11-1pm Expressive Visioning/Shamanic Journey Process
Visioning as a Healing Art: Why It Works and Exploring the Missing Link
Be delighted by this unusual combination of experiences linked together to leave you feeling inspired to explore your next step with ease and grace. Using the drum beat to create Theta Brain Waves, connecting the pineal gland, adding arts to foster self-expression, insight, creativity, visioning, and expanded states of consciousness we will spread our wings and fly free. Gather visioning tools for Lucid dreaming / Shamanic Journey to explore the multi-dimensional quantum universe connecting with many sources of guidance to manifest your desires. $20M
Fall and Spring Equinox 9-11am Interdisciplinary Yoga: Creating Inner & Outer Balance
The equality of the dark and the light within as we enter into the changing season. A joyful journey of integration and reflection in motion and stillness infused with experiences to expand intuition and inspiration by integrating the Arts, Mindfulness, 21st Century Medicine, and Positive Psychology. Current Neuroscience research shows meditation increases dopamine/ serotonin, lowers cortisol/adrenaline, increases focus, attention, processing speed, balance, brain volume and cerebral blood flow. Jump start a new way to be in the world as you tune into 21st century healing wisdom and apply it for the Autumn Equinox!! All levels. No experience necessary. $25
In addtion to the Seasonal Theme of Inner and Outer Balance following the equinox, I will continue to introduce concepts of Myofascial Yoga &Toning the Vagus Nerve.
Explore the Vagus Nerve, Myofascial Release and its relationship to Yoga Practices. Vagus means “wanderer”. The Vagus Nerve is the 10th cranial nerve, “wandering” and touching most of the body’s organs. Splitting into two branches through the head, down the spine, to the brain, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, tongue, ears, lungs, gut, heart, liver, spleen, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, intestines, reproductive organs, and ureter. Yoga Practices stimulates the Vagus Nerve improving communication between your body’s organs. Research shows increased vagal tone through breathing patterns, prayer, meditation, chanting, laughing, singing, coughing, gargling, socializing, exercise, and stretching. Vagal toning in Yoga supports digestion, blood pressure, glucose stabilization, bile production, decreases inflammation, supports tasting, swallowing, speaking, eye contact, human emotion, and releases oxytocin, the relationships hormone. $20/$25
11-1pm Expressive Visioning Process: Natural Cycles, Inspired Evolving
A very special time to be in a community to honor the inner work of your natural visioning abilities to honor the seasonal change inside and outside yourself in a unique and powerful way. Be delighted by this unusual combination of experiences linked together to leave you feeling inspired to explore your next step with ease and grace. Using the arts to foster self-expression, insight, creativity, visioning, and expanded states of consciousness we will spread our wings and fly free. Gather visioning tools for Lucid dreaming / Shamanic Journey to explore the multi-dimensional quantum universe connecting with many sources of guidance to manifest your desires. Reflective writing/drawing/dancing/moving/ sharing. Paper supplied but bring a journal if you have one.
Come join me in Silverton at my home studio. While you are here visit the Oregon Garden and Silver Falls State Park. Plan a day or overnight adding a Tsipora's Wings program to your exploration of one of the most charming cities in Oregon.
Interdisciplinary Yoga: Meditation
A multisensory, interdisciplinary, multicultural, yoga experience using Silverton and surrounding parks as the classroom. Take Yoga outdoors! Get out of the lab or the office, off the computer or phone, away from your daily tasks, and take yoga, breathing, walking break exploring the campus in a new way with yoga investigations. Rejuvenate and renew with gentle to moderate walking, incorporating environmental education, mindfulness practices, Neuroscience, and Earthling/Nature healing including reflection, walking meditation, postures that stretch, strengthen, and balance mind/body into your daily routine. Learn how you can use curbs, trees, stairs, chairs and benches for yoga. Explore the outdoors with a new perspective to help bring clarity every time you step outside with a heighten awareness of the present moment. Yoga is one of the oldest systems for personal development in the world, encompassing body, mind and spirit.
Interdisciplinary Yoga: Mindfulness Skills
A multisensory, interdisciplinary, transformative study into the cross-cultural understanding of mindful non-judgmental attention (Mindfulness) through a fun, creative variety of personal and group practices. Students will be introduced to a life-long personal awareness skill set with which to live to ones highest potential with resilience to navigate the challenging ups and downs of personal and professional endeavors.
Journey to the seen and the unseen through a multi-sensory, interdisciplinary, transformative study of mindfulness utilizing a fun, creative variety of individual and group mind/body practices applicable to everyday life and across academic disciplines. Develop your own imagination, intuition, inspiration, integration, and interpretation including 15 sensory perceptions to live to your highest potential with resilience to navigate the challenges of personal and professional endeavors. You will unravel the mysteries of why the 8,000-year-old science of Yoga is all encompassing, integrated with Positive Psychology, Physics, Neuroscience, Human Biology, and grounded in the eight-part awakening process. From STEM to Liberal Arts, from Education to Sports, from Political Science to World Health, students from any discipline will co-create a research-based platform from which to expand self-awareness to support your particular contribution to the world.
This course is designed to introduce students to the practice and understanding of interdisciplinary yoga with a focus on mindfulness skills. The style of yoga presented in this course originated in India thousands of years ago. It is one of the oldest systems for personal development in the world, encompassing body, mind and spirit. This course is an integrated, experiential, multisensory study of mindfulness principles through the experience of the basic level 1 Yoga postures, various forms of meditation, breathing practices, reflection and sharing. Based on broad, all welcoming, practice of Kripalu Yoga, Experience the smoothness of vinyasa flows, the intensity of holding postures and the freedom of your own personal style: Asana, Breath, and Meditation all happen simultaneously.
Each class will include: Coming into the present moment by centering the body, mind, and breath. Warm-up exercises that synchronize breath with movement, as means of inducing concentration and preparing the body, Creative asana sequences designed to stretch, strengthen and balance the body including standing and balancing, forward and back bending, spinal twists, lateral bends and inversions. Classes often include meditation-in-motion; Classes close with integration through relaxation and meditation.
Module Overview
The progression of this course is fully integrated and experiential with the following outline of experiences as a framework from which to pull. In alignment with Honor College pedagogy, there will be opportunity for student choices and the curriculum will be flexible to accommodate student interests, suggestions and insights.
Mindfulness Definition: Thoughtful non-judgmental attention to the moment including mindful reflection, meditation, contemplation, drawing, writing, and holistic health.
Week 1/2: Beginners Mind
Week 2/3 Creativity: Pathway to Joy
Week 3/4 Embracing Personal Power
Week 4/5: Open Heart Open Mind
Week 5/6 Authenticity: Living Your Truth
Week 6/7/8:Letting Everything Be Your Teacher
Week 9/10-10: Meeting Your Mindful Self
The link below will take you to the syllabus for Mindfulness Skills.
Yoga Workshops Once on month Saturdays dates TBA
9-11am $20 per class or 7 classes paid in full for $120
Ages 18 and up!
REGISTER by sending an email through this website.
Interdisciplinary Yoga Topics
Yoga + Brain for More Cognitive Gain
Myofascial Yoga: Unwind and Release
Yoga Dancing Makes Us Smarter
Yoga Beyond Happiness to Joy
Equinox Yoga for Inner & Outer Balance
Yoga & The Neuroscience of Gratitude
Yoga Mindfulness Skills for Creative Resilience
Interdisciplinary Yoga: Yoga+ Brain for More Cognitive Gain
Current Neuroscience research shows meditation in motion or stillness creates happiness by increasing dopamine and serotonin. Focus increases cortical thickness increasing attention. Cortical folding increases for faster processing. Whole brain function increases, balancing hemispheres and brain waves patterns. Stress relief is natural by down regulating cortisol and adrenaline. Cognitive function improves by increasing grey matter, brain volume and cerebral blood flow. WOW! It is amazing! Join me for an enlightening morning practicing meditation in stillness and motion to change the brain. A joyful journey of meditation in motion and stillness infused with experiences to expand intuition and inspiration by integrating the Medical Yoga, Mindfulness, and Positive Psychology.
Interdisciplinary Yoga: Myofascial Yoga: Unwind and Release
Fascial tension is often times the culprit for un-diagnosable chronic pain. Your fascial system and your belief system are intimately linked. When you unwind your body, you unwind your life. Join me as we look at effective techniques within the yoga practice with a shift in awareness to the nature of fascia. Fascia is a web-like structure that is made of collagen, elastin, and polysaccharide gel complex that is a connective tissue around everything (YES! EVERYTHING) in the body. Join me to unwind the fascia which holds your whole life experience causing strain, stiffness and tension. A joyful journey of meditation in motion and stillness infused with experiences to expand intuition and inspiration by integrating Medical Yoga, Mindfulness, and Positive Psychology.
Interdisciplinary Yoga: Yoga Dancing Makes Us Smarter
Open in this easy movement practice that moves energy in the body allowing for healing and opening the consciousness to new thoughts, creativity, and freedom. Freedom for your spirit to move in your own unique way on the dance floor and in the world. So joyful and fun, touching and open-hearted, you’ll feel as though each class is a mini retreat. All bodies! All Levels of moving!
Dancing increases cognitive acuity at all ages. Dancing integrates several brain functions at once — kinesthetic, rational, musical, and emotional — further increasing your neural connectivity. A 21-year study of senior citizens, 75 and older, was led by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, funded by the National Institute on Aging, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Their method for objectively measuring mental acuity in aging was to monitor rates of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. They studied cognitive activities such as reading books, writing for pleasure, doing crossword puzzles, playing cards and playing musical instruments. And they studied physical activities like playing tennis or golf, swimming, bicycling, dancing, walking for exercise and doing housework. One of the surprises of the study was that almost none of the physical activities appeared to offer any protection against dementia. There can be cardiovascular benefits of course, but the focus of this study was the mind. There was one important exception: the only physical activity to offer protection against dementia was frequent dancing: Reading: 35% reduced risk of dementia, Bicycling/swimming: 0%, Crossword puzzles at least 4 d/wk :47%, Golf: 0%, Dancing frequently: 76%.
Interdisciplinary Yoga: Yoga Beyond: Happiness to Joy
What is the difference between Joy and Happiness? Cheryl McDonald PsyD, says: Joy is something that lasts. Happiness is something that is temporary. Joy is an inner, conscious belief…Scientists say this emotion (Happiness) can be studied and measured because people can reliably and honestly self-report their increases and decreases in happiness levels. Joy is a state of mind, a combination of emotions, and in the spiritual context is localized in our heart. Joy contains elements of contentment, confidence and hope. Joy upgrades your hormones and neurotransmitters. Connection with nature and people provides oxytocin, associated with behavioral and psychological support for meaningful relationships. The more we activate joy, the stronger joy filled neural pathways become due to Nueroplasticity. Join the fun for a joyful journey of meditation in motion and stillness infused with experiences to expand intuition and inspiration by integrating Medical Yoga, Mindfulness, and Positive Psychology.
Interdisciplinary Yoga: Equinox Yoga for Inner & Outer Balance
Spring equinox opens the heart bringing together Body, Mind, Spirit to rekindle our childlike wonder, our passions and dreams. It is the evolutionary impulse to plant the seeds of the new creation of our life like a sprouting seed moving out of the earth to express and initiate a new world of opportunities. Reflect on balance on the mat and off the mat. Expand into the new beginnings of the upcoming spring equinox!! Jump start a new way to be in the world as you tune into 21st century healing wisdom and apply it for the Spring!!
Interdisciplinary Yoga: Yoga and The Neuroscience of Gratitude.
Join me for a morning yoga session to upgrade hormones and neurotransmitters though Appreciation/Gratitude . Simple gratefulness provides oxytocin, associated with behavioral and psychological support for meaningful relationships. Gratitude increases activity in the hypothalamus, the master hormone gland. The more we activate gratitude, the stronger gratitude neural pathways become. Neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to form new neural connections throughout life, will help us recognizes and change negative thinking before it has brought us down. All levels. No experience necessary.
Interdisciplinary Yoga: Mindfulness Skills for Creative Resilience
A multisensory, interdisciplinary, transformative workshop into the cross-cultural understanding of mindful non-judgmental attention (Mindfulness) through a fun, creative variety of personal and group practices. Using Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction's (MBSR) 7 Attitudes of Mindfulness ( Non-judging, Patience, Beginner’s Mind, Trust, Non-striving, Acceptance, Letting Go), Students will be introduced to a life-long personal awareness skill set with which to live to one’s highest potential with resilience to navigate the challenging ups and downs of life. Addressing current Mindfulness research: Neuroscience, Genetics, Technology, Ecology, Psychology, Education, Business, and Sports, we will expand self-awareness through time-tested practices.
A joyful journey of meditation in motion and stillness infused with experiences to expand intuition and inspiration by integrating the Arts, Mindfulness, 21st Century Medicine, and Positive Psychology.
Chakra 1 Yoga: Grounding
Chakra 2 Yoga: Joy in the Pelvis
Chakra 3 Yoga: Moving From the Core
Chakra 4 Yoga: The Marvelous of the Spine
Chakra 5 Yoga: Arms of the Open Heart
Chakra 6 Yoga: Soundings
Chakra 7 Yoga: Wisdom
Expressive Visioning Process Basic Workshop
Gather visioning tools for Quantum Visioning / Lucid Dreaming / Shamanic Journey to explore the multi-dimensional universe connecting with many sources of guidance to manifest your desires. Enjoy an unusual combination of experiences linked together to leave you feeling inspired to explore your next step with ease and grace. Using expanded states of consciousness we will spread our wings and fly free. Explore anything your heart desires and solidify your truth. What am I working with to feel like I am living to my fullest self- expression? What are the obstacles? What supports me? What are my life’s goals/deepest calling? What is my next right step?
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